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Login and Registration Issues
Why can't I log in?
Why do I need to register at all?
I've lost my password!

Online Filing of Unaccounted Time In/Out
How do I file my unaccounted time in/out?
How do I view my unaccounted time in/out records?
How do I edit or delete my unaccounted time in/out records?

Online Filing of Leave
How do I file my Leave?
How do I view my Leaves?
How do I edit or delete my Leave?

Online Filing of Overtime
How do I file my Overtime?
How do I view my Overtime?
How do I edit or delete my Overtime?

Posting Issues
How do I post a topic in a forum?
How do I edit or delete a post?
How do I add a signature to my post?
How do I create a poll?
How do I edit or delete a poll?
Why can't I access a forum?
Why can't I vote in polls?

Formatting and Topic Types
What is BBCode?
Can I use HTML?
What are Smileys?
What are Announcements?
What are Sticky topics?
What are Locked topics?

User Levels and Groups
What are Administrators?
What are Moderators?
What are Usergroups?

How do I add an attachment?
How do I add an attachment after the initial posting?
How do I delete an attachment?
How do I update a file comment?
Why isn't my attachment visible in the post?
Why can't I add attachments?
I've got the necessary permissions, why can't I add attachments?
Why can't I delete attachments?
Why can't I view/download attachments?
Who do I contact about illegal or possibly illegal attachments?


Login and Registration Issues
Why can't I log in?
Have you registered? Seriously, you must register in order to log in. Have you been banned from the intranet? (A message will be displayed if you have.) If so, you should contact the webmaster or administrator to find out why. If you have registered and are not banned and you still cannot log in then check and double-check your username and password. Usually this is the problem; if not, contact the administrator -- they may have incorrect configuration settings.
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Why do I need to register at all?
You may not have to -- it is up to the administrator as to whether you need to register in order to post messages. However, registration will give you access to additional features not available to guest users such as posting in public and private forum, viewing of membership eligibility, accessing medical service providers, etc.
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I've lost my password!
Don't panic! While your password cannot be retrieved it can be reset by the administrator.
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Online Filing of Unaccounted Time In/Out
How do I file my unaccounted time in/out?
  1. Enter your valid username and password.
  2. Press Log-in button.
  3. On the pull-down menu, select "Unaccounted Time - Filing" menu option.
  4. Enter unaccounted date and time, and reason.
  5. Press Save button.
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How do I view my unaccounted time in/out records?
All records which are not yet being decided upon by your immediate superior are placed under pending transactions. So go to "Unaccounted Time Filing System" screen, the default display entries are set to "Pending". Click on "Approved" hyperlink to view all approved transactions. And click on "Disapproved" hyperlink to view all denied transactions.
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How do I edit or delete my unaccounted time in/out records?
You can only edit or delete pending records. Click "edit" or "del" button of the particular record. You can also delete disapproved entries.
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Online Filing of Leave
How do I file my Leave?
  1. Enter your valid username and password.
  2. Press Log-in button.
  3. On the pull-down menu, select "Leave Form - Filing" menu option.
  4. Enter the Inclusive dates by clicking the calendar icon.
  5. Enter the number of days.
  6. On the pull-down menu, Select the "Type of Leave". If the type of leave is "Others", Fill in the box provided.
  7. Enter your reason.
  8. Click Save button.
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How do I view my Leaves?
All records which are not yet being decided upon by your immediate superior are placed under pending transactions. So go to "Leave Form Filing System" screen, the default display entries are set to "Pending". Click on "Approved" hyperlink to view all approved transactions. And click on "Disapproved" hyperlink to view all denied transactions. And click on "Filed" hyperlink to view all processed transactions by HR.
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How do I edit or delete my Leave?
You can only edit or delete pending records. Click "edit" or "del" button of the particular record. You can also delete disapproved entries.
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Online Filing of Overtime
How do I file my Overtime?
  1. Enter your valid username and password.
  2. Press Log-in button.
  3. On the pull-down menu, Select "Overtime- Filing" menu option.
  4. Enter the Inclusive dates and hours.
  5. Enter overtime output or work done.
  6. Click Save button.
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How do I view my Overtime?
All records which are not yet being decided upon by your immediate superior are placed under pending transactions. So go to "Overtime Filing System" screen, the default display entries are set to "Pending". Click on "Approved" hyperlink to view all approved transactions. And click on "Disapproved" hyperlink to view all denied transactions.
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How do I edit or delete my Overtime?
You can only edit or delete pending records. Click "Edit" or "Del" button of the particular record. You can also delete disapproved entries.
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Posting Issues
How do I post a topic in a forum?
Easy -- click the relevant button on either the forum or topic screens. You need to register before you can post a message. The facilities available to you are listed at the bottom of the forum and topic screens (the You can post new topics, You can vote in polls, etc. list)
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How do I edit or delete a post?
Unless you are the board admin or forum moderator you can only edit or delete your own posts. You can edit a post (sometimes for only a limited time after it was made) by clicking the edit button for the relevant post. If someone has already replied to the post, you will find a small piece of text output below the post when you return to the topic that lists the number of times you edited it. This will only appear if no one has replied; it also will not appear if moderators or administrators edit the post (they should leave a message saying what they altered and why). Please note that normal users cannot delete a post once someone has replied.
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How do I add a signature to my post?
To add a signature to a post you must first create one; this is done via your profile. Once created you can check the Add Signature box on the posting form to add your signature. You can also add a signature by default to all your posts by checking the appropriate radio box in your profile. You can still prevent a signature being added to individual posts by un-checking the add signature box on the posting form.
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How do I create a poll?
Creating a poll is easy -- when you post a new topic (or edit the first post of a topic, if you have permission) you should see a Add Poll form below the main posting box. If you cannot see this then you probably do not have rights to create polls. You should enter a title for the poll and then at least two options -- to set an option type in the poll question and click the Add option button. You can also set a time limit for the poll, 0 being an infinite amount. There will be a limit to the number of options you can list, which is set by the board administrator
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How do I edit or delete a poll?
As with posts, polls can only be edited by the original poster, a moderator, or board administrator. To edit a poll, click the first post in the topic, which always has the poll associated with it. If no one has cast a vote then users can delete the poll or edit any poll option. However, if people have already placed votes only moderators or administrators can edit or delete it; this is to prevent people rigging polls by changing options mid-way through a poll
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Why can't I access a forum?
Some forums may be limited to certain users or groups. To view, read, post, etc. you may need special authorization which only the forum moderator and board administrator can grant, so you should contact them.
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Why can't I vote in polls?
Only registered users can vote in polls so as to prevent spoofing of results. If you have registered and still cannot vote then you probably do not have appropriate access rights.
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Formatting and Topic Types
What is BBCode?
BBCode is a special implementation of HTML. Whether you can use BBCode is determined by the administrator. You can also disable it on a per post basis from the posting form. BBCode itself is similar in style to HTML: tags are enclosed in square braces [ and ] rather than < and > and it offers greater control over what and how something is displayed. For more information on BBCode see the guide which can be accessed from the posting page.
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Can I use HTML?
That depends on whether the administrator allows you to; they have complete control over it. If you are allowed to use it, you will probably find only certain tags work. This is a safety feature to prevent people from abusing the board by using tags which may destroy the layout or cause other problems. If HTML is enabled you can disable it on a per post basis from the posting form.
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What are Smileys?
Smileys, or Emoticons, are small graphical images which can be used to express some feeling using a short code, e.g. :) means happy, :( means sad. The full list of emoticons can be seen via the posting form. Try not to overuse smileys, though, as they can quickly render a post unreadable and a moderator may decide to edit them out or remove the post altogether.
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What are Announcements?
Announcements often contain important information and you should read them as soon as possible. Announcements appear at the top of every page in the forum to which they are posted. Whether or not you can post an announcement depends on the permissions required, which are set by the administrator.
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What are Sticky topics?
Sticky topics appear below any announcements in viewforum and only on the first page. They are often quite important so you should read them where possible. As with announcements the board administrator determines what permissions are required to post sticky topics in each forum.
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What are Locked topics?
Locked topics are set this way by either the forum moderator or board administrator. You cannot reply to locked topics and any poll contained inside is automatically ended. Topics may be locked for many reasons.
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User Levels and Groups
What are Administrators?
Administrators are people assigned the highest level of control over the entire board. These people can control all facets of board operation which include setting permissions, banning users, creating usergroups or moderators, etc. They also have full moderator capabilities in all the forums.
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What are Moderators?
Moderators are individuals (or groups of individuals) whose job it is to look after the running of the forums from day to day. They have the power to edit or delete posts and lock, unlock, move, delete and split topics in the forum they moderate. Generally moderators are there to prevent people going off-topic or posting abusive or offensive material.
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What are Usergroups?
Usergroups are a way in which board administrators can group users. Each user can belong to several groups (this differs from most other boards) and each group can be assigned individual access rights. This makes it easy for administrators to set up several users as moderators of a forum, or to give them access to a private forum, etc.
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How do I add an attachment?
You can add attachments when you post a new post. You should see a Add an Attachment form below the main posting box. When you click the Browse... button the standard Open dialogue window for your computer will open. Browse to the file you want to attach, select it and click OK, Open or doubleclick according to your liking and/or the correct procedure for your computer. If you choose to add a comment in the File Comment field this comment will be used as a link to the attached file. If you haven't added a comment the filename itself will be used to link to the attachment. If the board administrator has allowed it you will be able to upload multiple attachements by following the same procedure as described above until you reach the max allowed number of attachments for each post.

The board administrator sets an upper limit for filesize, defined file extensions and other things for attachments on the board. Be aware that it's your responsiblity that your attachments comply with the boards acceptance of use policy, and that they may be deleted without warning.

Please note that the boards owner, webmaster, administrator or moderators can not and will not take responsibility for any loss of data.
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How do I add an attachment after the initial posting?
To add an attachment after the initial posting you'll need to edit your post and follow the description above. The new attachment will be added when you click Submit to add the edited post.
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How do I delete an attachment?
To delete attachments you'll need to edit your post and click on the Delete Attachment next to the attachment you want to delete in the Posted Attachments box. The attachment will be deleted when you click Submit to add the edited post.
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How do I update a file comment?
To update a file comment you'll need to edit your post, edit the text in the File Comment field and click on the Update Comment button next to the file comment you want to update in the Posted Attachments box. The file comment will be updated when you click Submit to add the edited post.
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Why isn't my attachment visible in the post?
Most probably the file or Extension is no longer allowed on the forum, or a moderator or administrator has deleted it for being in conflict with the boards acceptance of use policy.
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Why can't I add attachments?
On some forums adding attachments may be limited to certain users or groups. To add attachments you may need special authorisation, only the forum moderator and board admin can grant this access, you should contact them.
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I've got the necessary permissions, why can't I add attachments?
The board administrator sets an upper limit for filesize, file extensions and other things for attachments on the board. A moderator or administrator may have altered your permissions, or discontinued attachments in the specific forum. You should get an explanation in the error message when trying to add an attachment, if not you might consider contacting the moderator or administrator.
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Why can't I delete attachments?
On some forums deleting attachments may be limited to certain users or groups. To delete attachments you may need special authorisation, only the forum moderator and board admin can grant this access, you should contact them.
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Why can't I view/download attachments?
On some viewing/downloading forums attachments may be limited to certain users or groups. To view/download attachments you may need special authorisation, only the forum moderator and board admin can grant this access, you should contact them.
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Who do I contact about illegal or possibly illegal attachments?
You should contact the administrator of this board. If you cannot find who this is you should first contact one of the forum moderators and ask them who you should in turn contact. If you still get no response you should contact the owner of the domain (do a whois lookup) or, if this is running on a free service (e.g. yahoo,,, etc.), the management or abuse department of that service. Please note that phpBB Group has absolutely no control and cannot in any way be held liable over how, where or by whom this board is used. It is absolutely pointless contacting phpBB Group in relation to any legal (cease and desist, liable, defamatory comment, etc.) matter not directly related to the website or the discrete software of phpBB itself. If you do email phpBB Group about any third party use of this software then you should expect a terse response or no response at all.
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